Our Sponsors

The Albert Shanker College Scholarship Fund of the United Federation of Teachers


Financial Aid Events

These sessions are for ELL and former ELL High School Seniors and their parents who need assistance completing the FAFSA application. Upon registration, you will receive a list of documents you must gather to complete the FAFSA application. You must bring all your documents when you join the last session.
Students and parents must agree to attend all sessions.

Register for one group only.

Group G: Orientation Session: Tuesday, March 4 at 7:00 pm.

FAFSA Completion Day: Saturday, March 8, by appointment.

Group H: Orientation Session: Tuesday, March 18 at 7:00 pm.

FAFSA Completion Day: Saturday, March 22, by appointment.

Click here or use QR code to register

Tiempo with Joe Torres

Submission Form for
UFT College Fair ‘25 Calendar

New York Public Library College & Career Pathways

Our Participating Colleges & Organizations


Homework helpline for students, run by classroom teachers

Monday through Thursday, 4 to 7 p.m. when school is in session

Call Us at


or visit our site